Felix Salmon hat ein paar erste Statisitken zu ANdrew Sullivans “Blogpaywall” vorhaben:
Truth be told, Sullivan’s paywall is not much of a wall at all. 70% of his readers don’t click on the read-on links at all; they just stay on the home page, which is always free. And of the 30% who do click on read-on links, 91% are still within their allocation of seven free stories. Which means that overall, just 2.7% of his readers are reaching the point at which it gets a little bit harder to read what they want to read. And the actual number is lower even than that: many of his readers use RSS readers to consume his content, or else they disable cookies, or otherwise don’t get counted among the people visiting his website.
Er kommt in dem Text auch zu dem Schluss, dass viele Leser nicht für eine PayWall zahlen. Diese ist schließlich in den meisten Fällen leicht zu umgehen, sondern weil sie gerne bezahlen und unterstützen möchten.
via Wolfgang Blau