Nicht die App, der Inhalt entscheidet

Angesichts wachsender Clones und sogar einem Anbieter der sich mit der Anlehnung an Marco Arments “The Magazine” rühmt, stellt dieser das Erfolgsrezept klar:

The Magazine isn’t successful because I have red links, centered sans-serif headlines, footnote popovers, link previews, and a white table-of-contents sidebar that slides over the article from the left with a big shadow even on iPhone. It isn’t successful because authors write in Markdown, the CMS gracefully supports multi-user editing, we preview issues right on our devices as we assemble them, and any edits we make after publication are quickly and quietly patched into the issue right as people are reading it. Very little of this matters.

It’s succeeding because Glenn, the authors, the illustrators, the photographers, and I pour a lot of time and money into the content, relentlessly publishing roughly two original illustrations, four photos, and 10,000 polished words every two weeks.

via “Did we just rip off Marco Arment and The Magazine?”

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